Religion and faith can play a big role in Gypsy, Roma or Traveller women’s lives.

While Gypsies, Roma and Travellers follow different religions and faith, we know the most common religions are Catholicism, Orthodox, Pentecostalism, Light and Life church and Church of England. Some women feel they can’t leave a situation of domestic abuse or get a divorce because of their faith. Others feel that they won’t have the support of their families, community or priests if they decide to leave. No matter your faith or religion, you have a right to support.


“It is the abuser who broke their vows, not the victim.”


We spoke to a number of priests over the years that made it very clear that they would support anyone who is experiencing domestic abuse to leave the relationship and get a divorce. Watch the video below to hear one such priest’s support for survivors of domestic abuse:

Father Dan - TM Video

Can a Family Member Mind My Children?

If you are experiencing domestic abuse and worry about your children’s safety, would you like a family member to support you by minding the children? This is called kinship care.

School boy crying

Stop Shaming!

Over the past few years, we have seen many online ‘Traveller shame pages’ and ‘Gypsy shame pages’ that aim to publicly humiliate other members of their own community. We are finding support services and educating them on the issues of shame, scandal and discrimination.