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Are you interested in adoption? If more Gypsies, Roma and Travellers became foster carers or adopt children from their own communities, more children in care would grow up understanding the culture and traditions.

Traveller families and foster care

First4Adoption is a national information service for people interested in adopting a child in England. The only automatic exclusions from adoption in England are:

  • Age: If you are under 21, you cannot legally adopt in the UK.
  • Location: To adopt in England you must be legally resident in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man, and have been so for at least 12 months.
  • Criminal record: If you or a member or your household have a criminal conviction or caution for offences against children or for serious sexual offences you will not be able to adopt. Other criminal offences will not automatically exclude you.

What else do they consider in the adoption process?

  • Your finances: Your finances will always be considered, but low income, unemployment and benefits do not automatically rule you out.
  • Your physical health: Smoking will not necessarily rule you out from adopting, but consideration will be given to this and to all health- and lifestyle-related issues.
  • Your mental health: If you have experienced or are currently experiencing a mental health problem you would not automatically be ruled out.

Coram supports families from all over London and the surrounding areas – including all London Boroughs, north Kent, north Surrey, south Buckinghamshire, south Hertfordshire, Middlesex, south-west Essex and beyond.

You can fill in their form on the Coram Adoption website.

What's the difference between adoption and kinship care?

Kinship care

If you are experiencing domestic abuse and worry about your children’s safety, would you like a family member to support you by minding the children? This is called kinship care.

If Children’s Services (social services) are involved, the social worker on your case has a duty to evaluate whether a family member or friend could be an appropriate kinship carer. You can recommend who you think would be a good candidate.

Click the questions below to hear the answers:

What is kinship care?

What’s the difference between kinship care and adoption?

Is kinship care an option when there is domestic abuse or mental health issues?

How can I become a kinship carer?

Can you disagree with the social worker or appeal a decision in court?

What are your rights as a kinship carer?

What is the main piece of advice you would give to the community?

What further support can you get as a kinship carer?


Fostering is normally a temporary way to provide children with a safe home while other arrangements are being made, although some young people are fostered until adulthood.

Foster carers look after the child on behalf of the local authority who work closely with the child’s birth parents wherever possible.

If you are interested in fostering, you can learn more at CoramBAAF.

Have You Had a Child Removed From Your Care?

We know how difficult and upsetting it is to have a child removed from your care and we want you to know that you are not alone. There is support out there.

School boy crying

Stop Shaming!

Over the past few years, we have seen many online ‘Traveller shame pages’ and ‘Gypsy shame pages’ that aim to publicly humiliate other members of their own community. We are finding support services and educating them on the issues of shame, scandal and discrimination.